
当你准备期末考试和结帐时, 请花点时间回顾以下重要信息. The 房屋及住宅工程 Team wishes you successful completion of the semester and sends our Congratulations to the Class of 2024! Thank you for calling Student Housing at 最可靠的买彩票平台 home for the 2023-24 academic year.

如果您对以下信息有任何疑问, 请致电657-278-2168与住房办公室联系.

24小时安静时间 每学期下午5点开始.m. 在最后一个星期五的课上到下午5点.m. on the Saturday of finals week, a 24‐Hour Quiet Hour policy is in effect.


Any resident not living in 房屋及住宅工程 for the summer or has not been granted an extension 必须在晚上8点前搬走吗.m. 2024年5月17日星期五. 如果你需要申请一个 晚住请填写一张申请表 在这里.

When you finalize your checkout with our staff, your room must be empty and clean. 在此步骤之后,您将无法访问您的空间. 检出失败可能导致错误 不当结帐费120美元.


如果您选择在5月13日之前退房, 你可以在办公时间到房屋办公室办理退房手续. Please note that your room rate will not be prorated if you do not stay until 5月17日.

居民必须在5月17日晚上8点之前领取所有包裹和邮件. After this date and time, items will be forwarded (if possible) or returned to the sender.

Goodwill donation bins will be available for residents from Friday, May 10 through Friday, 5月17日. 捐赠不需要的衣服和家庭用品来帮助当地社区. Bins will be located on the first floor of each residence hall, apartment, and suite building. Please do not remove items from the donation bins as this is considered theft.

Non-Perishable Food donation bins will be available to residents from Monday, 5月13日至周五, 5月17日在房屋广场.

的美食家 and 社区市场 will continue their normal operating hours until dinner on Friday, 5月17日. 提醒一下, 住宅伙食费, 客人刷, 用餐计划在你退房或周五就过期了, 5月17日, 2024年最新.


Residents will no longer have to complete the Room Condition Reports on their 房地产门户网站. 最可靠的买彩票平台 Housing staff will be completing room inspections after the residents of each room have checked out. 居民不需要出席这些检查. 每次检查时拍照并记录. 检查后已处理, 如果有损坏,居民将收到一封电子邮件, 过多的垃圾, 清洁问题, 或者被发现违反住房政策. 在这些电子邮件中,将发送一份详细的账单以供您记录.


当你的房间是空的,干净的, 前往下面列出的地点, 工作人员会为您办理退房手续并领取钥匙. 请参阅您的社区的以下部分:



宿舍-结帐待办事项清单 PDF文件 公寓-检查待办事项列表 PDF文件

5月13日- 14日| 8a.m. – 5 p.m. 住房办公室|下午5点.m. – 9 p.m. 冬青邮件收发室
5月15 - 17日| 8a.m. – 9 p.m.|广场帐篷

Bins and vacuums will be available during the hours and locations listed above. 然而, we strongly encourage you to bring and use your personal moving items since we have a limited inventory of bins. Bins and vacuums will not be available for checkout outside of these hours.


套房-检查待办事项列表 PDF文件

5月13日至17日| 9 a.m. – 6 p.m. 红木接待处|下午6点.m. – 9 p.m. 红杉邮件收发室

检出失败可能导致错误 不当结帐费120美元.

Bins, swiffers, and vacuums will be available at the 红杉邮件收发室 from 9 a.m. 到晚上9点.m. 从5月13日到17日. 然而, we strongly encourage you to bring and use your personal moving items since we have a limited inventory of bins. Bins and vacuums will not be available for checkout outside of these hours. 

Please contact our office if you have any questions regarding Checkout.


  • 如果你的住所有损坏, 我们会注意到这一点,并将通过电子邮件向您发送有关损害的信息, 支付给您的金额和申诉信息.
  • 典型的损坏包括窗纱的丢失, 墙上有洞或油漆剥落, 地毯污渍, 家具坏了,没有打扫房间.
  • Be aware that damage assessments will be conducted after residents have completely moved out of their space.


  • If you rented a microfridge from Collegiate Concepts, it will be picked up directly from your room.
  • 在结帐时, 微型冰箱必须拔掉插头, 解冻, 清理干净并贴上学生的名字(你的名字). 如果迷你冰箱没有清理干净或在取货时丢失, you may be held financially responsible for the cost of replacing the unit.
  • Any resident who has rented a MicroFridge is instructed to leave the unit in their assigned room. All units will be picked up the week of May 20 – residents do not need to be present for pick-up. 
  • 不要拔掉电源插头 冰箱除霜会导致水损坏地毯
  • 把手机留在房间里 : If you have moved or transferred the fridge to another room, please notify Collegiate Concepts. If the MicroFridge cannot be found, you will be billed for a replacement unit.
  • 彻底清理: 单元内的所有物品都需要移除. 液体可以倾倒在活动的室内水槽中. T在这里 will be a $30 charge assessed by Collegiate Concepts if NOT cleaned.
  • 全部归还 : Ice cube trays and ice scraper, top shelf, and bottom shelf, microwave plate, and ring. 缺少的零件要额外收费.


我们强烈建议您在上述时间内结帐. 但是,下班后结帐可以在晚上9点之间进行.m. 和8a.m.在那里,你可以去霍利收发室把钥匙交出来. 即使你住在套房里, you must visit the 冬青邮件收发室 to complete the 盘后付款 Form. 通过完成下班后结帐, you waive your right to appeal any fees charged for damage to your living space.


检出失败可能导致错误 不当结帐费120美元. 遗失钥匙每把收费50美元. Any keys not returned within 48 hours of your checkout date will result in a lock change. Failure to properly turn in your keys may result in you being billed for damage that occurs after you have moved out. T在这里 will be a charge assessed to each occupant of the room for trash removal, 过度清洁和/或任何丢失或损坏的物品.

在整个搬家周,这对学生来说是很常见的. to gather their belongings and leave them inside their vehicles in preperation for leaving campus. Thieves are aware that students are moving out and will be out looking for property to steal. 带有可见物品(如箱子、袋子等)的车辆. 风险最大. Property should be placed in the trunk of the vehicle or in another area w在这里 it can be secured and not seen. Thievies especially target unattended electronics (computers, tablets, cell phones, etc.). Other valuables including wallets, purses, and backpacks should also be watched closely. 永远锁好所有的门窗. Do not assume your vehicle and property are safe because your vehicle is parked in a seured lot or carport area. Students should also be aware of their surroundings and report any suspicious activity or persons immediately to the CSUF Police Depertment, 657-278-2515. Additionally we would like to remind you that all bicycles must be removed from campus druing the summer. All bikes will be tagged by CSUF PD after closing and will be confiscated if found t be abandoned. (If you have been approved to live in housing this summer, please remove the tag.)